swim team
We are looking for new swimmers to join our swim team! All participants MUST be active members of the South Barrington Club to register. All of our swimmers will have multiple opportunities to participate in every swim meet, and our member only program along with limited openings at each level, achieves this goal. Our swim team offers a great opportunity for young swimmers to have fun and find out if a year round swim team is right for them.
What sets us apart?
Our commitment time is very relaxed compared to the year-round clubs.
We offer practice times every day, you can attend 1 or attend all 4 practices each week.
All swimmers will practice based on their skills and developing abilities.
We use email as our primary source of communication so please write legibly.
We highly recommend that you make every effort to get your swimmer(s) to at least two practices each week because we will work on stroke improvement, speed, agility, and endurance.
Safe practices/meets policy:
1.There will be a maximum of 50 openings for swim team this year.
2.We will be using both indoor and outdoor pools for practices with 4 kids per lane. Coaches will be able to promote social distancing with only a few kids in each lane.
3.Parents must RSVP their children for practice 24 hours in advance. We will be assigning lanes to the children based on RSVPs. Parents will use the team manager app to RSVP.
4.There will be a practice time available every day of the week. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 9:30am-10:30am and Tuesday and Thursday 6:30pm-7:30pm. Practice times may be staggered depending on how many children RSVP to the practice and to limit crowded locker rooms.
5.Everyone will check-in at the club front desk and must go through basic check-in procedures.
6.We ask that parents drop off and pick up their children at the club side entrance.
Virtual meets:
We will be running virtual meets this year due to social distancing and capacity guidelines. Since we are limited to how many people can be at the facility, we ask that parents drop off and pick up at the club entrance. We will stream the children’s events online (more info on this will be released at the parents’ meeting). We will still need volunteers to time at the meets. Parent volunteers can still sign up through sign up genius.