Friends of the
South Barrington park district Foundation
The Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life in the South Barrington area by assisting the preservation of open space and enhancing recreational facilities and programs in the park district for people of all ages to enjoy. There is no question that parks and open space contribute to a healthy community, whether its kids having a nearby place to play, adults taking a stress reducing walk, or just a green place to sit and relax on a beautiful sunny day. Your donation designates you as a foundation partner joining in the effort to preserve open space and work together to enhance recreational programs and facilities.
How to Help
Make a tax-deductible personal or corporate contribution to the South Barrington Foundation. Bequeath land, property, cash, or securities. Your bequest will help to assure that future generations will enjoy green open space. Give the gift of your time by volunteering to help the Foundation accomplish its goals and missions.
In-Kind Donations
Individuals and companies may also support the Friends of the Park Foundation with in-kind contributions donations of professional skills such as landscaping, or any of the building trades, or with a gift of materials for a capital improvement project.
The Friends of the Park Foundation was established in 2005 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. It is recognized by the U.S. Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt public foundation operating for the benefit of the South Barrington community.
Donations can be as small or as large as you wish. All monies, assets derived from donations, stay within the South Barrington Park District boundaries, properties and facilities.
Great Parks to Sit In
Tree and Bench Memorial Program
This program is a wonderful way to honor a mentor, memorialize a loved one, honor the achievements of residents who make an impact on the community or mark a special occasion such as a marriage proposal, anniversary, graduation or birthday milestone. Trees and park benches may be planted or installed at either Marvin Dunteman Park or Community Park.
The park district will assist in the selection of the tree appropriate for the location desired. The park district is responsible for the planting/installation of the tree/park bench and dedication plaques for tree or bench. The park district is also responsible for all care of the tree throughout it’s life.
For more information on our Great Parks to Sit In Programs or if you are interested in volunteering, donating or sponsoring a Friends of the Park Foundation event, please contact Jay Morgan at (847) 898-9979, Wendy Rodrigo at (847) 898-9939. or Tim McCabe (847) 898-9957
SBCTA Scholarship Fund
The Friends of the South Barrington Park District are proud to announce a new initiative for tennis students! The South Barrington Park District has begun formation of the SBCTA (South Barrington Club Tennis Academy) tennis scholarship fund, which is a fund set up to provide financial assistance towards a tennis student’s college tuition. Here at the South Barrington Club, our tennis coaches pride themselves on training students to be better athletes and better people. Through the Friends of the South Barrington Park District, we are
taking our program to the next level by offering students financial support as well. The foundation committee will be looking for applicants and individuals recommended by staff who they feel should be considered for this scholarship. Individual qualifications include:
A student enrolled in the SBCTA
Planning to play on their college tennis team
An individual in need of financial support for tuition
Actively displays the character and work ethic that exemplify our tennis program
Our first event will be Keys for Degrees where the proceeds will go to the SBCTA Tennis Scholarship fund.
Flyers are posted throughout the club with registration information. Please consider attending our event or fill out a donation card at the desk.
Thank you for your support!